Friday, July 23, 2010

Marketing With Ezine Advertising Effectively

I'm sure you have heard about or utilized ezines at some point in your online marketing. An ezine is an electronic newsletter that is published online and delivered to a subscribers inbox.

However, most people don't know that ezine publishers have massive mailing lists. Some of these have 30,000 plus subscribers!  Listing your site inside one of these massive ezines will often have an immense surge in your traffic and in customers that visit your website and make purchases.

One question that often comes up is how to go about getting a site listed in a popular newsletter. One option is to pay to have your ad placed within the newsletter.

Newsletters have wide variations in prices and also availability.
  1. Solo Ads
  2. Solo Mailings
  3. Regular Ads
  4. Featured Ads
  5. and more
So, you can see that the pricing will vary greatly from one newsletter to another and the type of ad that you place.

As with any internet marketing campaign, you always want to track your results. This will let you know whether the money that you are spending is being used effectively. Some ezines have mailing lists that are very responsive, while others are very ineffective. Wording your advertisement effectively will have a huge impact on the response you get, so you want to word your ads to target the market that you are advertising to.

Using a tracking service, either free or paid, will help you determine where best to spend your money to the get most "bang for your buck" as far as your budget and response.

Another way to market your online business is by submitting articles to ezines and ezine directories. Most of these sites are hungry for quality content and are constantly on the lookout for a new talent. If you are a good writer and can write interesting articles on timely can bet you will help out your online presence.

Free newsletter recognition for a website is a definite way to boost your traffic. Each article submitted gives you another benefit adding to your importance on the 'net. So, how does submitting articles help your site? Glad you asked, here is an explanation for you:

Every article submitted to an ezine or posted on an announcement site gives you the opportunity to add your URL in the bio box at the bottom of the article. This is what gives you links back to your site and thus gives exposure to your products or services.

Whether you decide to submit articles or pay for ezine exposure, you are guaranteed results if you are doing things properly. It pays to take time to research your options and the available routes before you make a decision. This can save you time and money in the long run.

Making Money With Articles
A Free 12 part email series that will get you off to the right start, or help you re-start your Internet business.

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