Saturday, November 24, 2012

How Important are Autoresponders to Internet Marketing?

How Important are Autoresponders to Internet Marketing?

Internet Marketing and autoresponders essentially go hand-in-hand. In today’s online business world, you simply cannot succeed at Internet marketing without the use of autoresponders. Autoresponders are used to achieve many of the marketing tasks that are essential to a successful online business.

Internet marketing can be very time consuming. Whether you do affiliate marketing or market your own products, an autoresponder is a big part of your marketing arsenal. Autoresponders are used to keep in contact with your past customers, and to develop a relationship with potential customers.

An autoresponder can be used to deliver sales messages to your opt-in customer list. It can be used to deliver email courses, to send reminders, and even to help you build an opt-in list if you don’t already have one. There are many creative ways you can use your autoresponder to make more sales and to build customer relations.

Any successful marketer will tell you that there are two tools that are vital to any type of online marketing – an opt-in list and an autoresponder. In fact, most marketers will agree that you could take away all of their other marketing tools, but they would fight to the death to keep the list and the autoresponder!


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Using Your Autoresponder To Generate Leads

Using Your Autoresponder to Generate Leads

Autoresponders are one of the most important marketing tools that you can have if you are doing business online. In fact, the only thing more important that the autoresponder is your opt-in list! But all autoresponders start out without a list – the list doesn’t exist until your autoresponder mailing list starts filling up with names and email addresses!

The easiest and fastest way to build up an email list is to give things away for free. Some marketers will tell you that this is a waste of time – and if you already have a list of one hundred thousand people that you can market to, then it probably is. But for those who do not already have a list, this is the way that it gets built! You simply pay for advertisement to promote your freebie. Don’t think of this as lost money, think of it as an investment in future earnings.

Give away an ezine, free reports, free ebooks, free access to private websites, or anything else that you can think of. The object is to get people to sign up to receive that freebie, and to agree to receive email from you in the future! It is a win-win situation for everyone, but you get more than anyone else in the deal. The person gets a freebie. You get their name and email address, and permission to email them in the future.

But if you do it right, you get even more than that. The freebie that you give away should also be used to promote your products or services. Even if it just has affiliate links for products or services that are related to the topic of the freebie, it is a way to generate extra revenue. Then, when you send email in the future, you can again promote your products or services. Just be sure to include valuable information in the email as well, or you will have people dropping off of your autoresponder mailing list like flies!

Using every opportunity that is presented to you in the world of Internet Marketing is vital to your success. You have the opportunity to earn money in the freebie that you create, you have the opportunity to earn money when you send the ‘thank you’ email after a person has requested your freebie, and you have the opportunity to earn money every time an autoresponder message is sent out to that list in the future! Don’t waste those opportunities, and put it all in automatic mode with the use of an autoresponder.


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Making Money Through Web Videos


There is an ever-growing quest to make money through the Internet.  This is made evident by thousands of ads claiming you can make huge amounts of income with small amounts of work.  Sadly, most of these ads are scams, and millions of people have spent their hard earned money, in an attempt to make money themselves.  However, if you are interested in making web videos, than you can actually turn a profit by doing so.  This may sound difficult; however, it is very easy to start making money through web videos.

One of the best ways to make money through your web videos is by using ad revenue sharing sites.  These types of sites allow you to place your web video on their sites; however, whenever your video generates income through the ads that are placed on the page, you are created a certain amount of money.  While you will most likely not become rich through this type of site, you will however, make a decent amount of money.

The key to making the most money off of ad revenue sites is by uploading as much content as you can, and making each video for a specific type of audience.  This why you will have a targeted audience that will be more interested in clicking through the ads at the end of your video.  Some good ad revenue video sites are Revver and Google Video.

Another way that you can make money through web videos is by going through a more professional approach that can end up being quite profitable.  These types of websites are places where you can sell your videos, and photos, such as iStockVideo.  This website allows you sell your videos; however, they must be of a certain quality.  In order to maximize your sells through these types of sites, make sure that you take time with the videos and make them as unique and powerful as possible.  You will then see then income starting to roll in.

If you want to have a unique way to make money through web videos, than simply begin to search sponsors.  Say you really love a certain product, and you want to create videos about this product, however, before you do, contact the company that makes this product.  Let them know that you want to begin a web video campaign, and show them your ideas.   You may be surprised that it may be quite easy to get web video sponsors, and after doing so, you will be able to have someone to actually pay you for making a web video.

This is a great way to create a constant income, because if you do a good job, then most companies will keep having you make videos for them.  Remember, the key is to be professional in your videos and have at least five to ten videos already outlined and ready to film. There are many different ways that you can make money through making web videos; all it takes is a desire to succeed and a desire to be creative.  After you have done these two, you are on your way to making money by doing something you love.


Making Money With Articles
      A Free 12 part email series that will get you off to the right start,  or help you re-start your Internet business.  Learn Affiliate Marketing and how to generate the traffic your site needs to be profitable and information to help you convert traffic to loyal customers.

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Friday, July 23, 2010

Marketing With Ezine Advertising Effectively

I'm sure you have heard about or utilized ezines at some point in your online marketing. An ezine is an electronic newsletter that is published online and delivered to a subscribers inbox.

However, most people don't know that ezine publishers have massive mailing lists. Some of these have 30,000 plus subscribers!  Listing your site inside one of these massive ezines will often have an immense surge in your traffic and in customers that visit your website and make purchases.

One question that often comes up is how to go about getting a site listed in a popular newsletter. One option is to pay to have your ad placed within the newsletter.

Newsletters have wide variations in prices and also availability.
  1. Solo Ads
  2. Solo Mailings
  3. Regular Ads
  4. Featured Ads
  5. and more
So, you can see that the pricing will vary greatly from one newsletter to another and the type of ad that you place.

As with any internet marketing campaign, you always want to track your results. This will let you know whether the money that you are spending is being used effectively. Some ezines have mailing lists that are very responsive, while others are very ineffective. Wording your advertisement effectively will have a huge impact on the response you get, so you want to word your ads to target the market that you are advertising to.

Using a tracking service, either free or paid, will help you determine where best to spend your money to the get most "bang for your buck" as far as your budget and response.

Another way to market your online business is by submitting articles to ezines and ezine directories. Most of these sites are hungry for quality content and are constantly on the lookout for a new talent. If you are a good writer and can write interesting articles on timely can bet you will help out your online presence.

Free newsletter recognition for a website is a definite way to boost your traffic. Each article submitted gives you another benefit adding to your importance on the 'net. So, how does submitting articles help your site? Glad you asked, here is an explanation for you:

Every article submitted to an ezine or posted on an announcement site gives you the opportunity to add your URL in the bio box at the bottom of the article. This is what gives you links back to your site and thus gives exposure to your products or services.

Whether you decide to submit articles or pay for ezine exposure, you are guaranteed results if you are doing things properly. It pays to take time to research your options and the available routes before you make a decision. This can save you time and money in the long run.

Making Money With Articles
A Free 12 part email series that will get you off to the right start, or help you re-start your Internet business.

Learn Affiliate Marketing and how to generate the traffic your site needs to be profitable and information to help you convert traffic to
loyal customers.

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